9+ Simple Ways For Heartburn Remedies You've Probably Never Know

Women Healthy -
There are various ways that you can do to relieve heartburn, but if there is a simplest ways to get rid of it, do you wanna try? Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest or a stinging pain in the chest accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth caused by backflow - stomach acid up into the esophagus. Heartburn often occurs in pregnant women. Based on several studies, there is a saying that 50 to 80 percent of heartburn in pregnant women at the third trimester. One thing to remember, heartburn has nothing to do with the fetus. So as not to cause anything or to give effect to the fetus.

There are so many drugs that you can use to overcome heartburn due to stomach acid, is sold in pharmacies and some of them can be bought without prescription. But if they can be overcome by natural ways, why we use drugs? Especially for pregnant women who are vulnerable to drugs, should be more careful.

Drugs may be able to fix quickly this acid reflux. However, the effect is usually short-lived and does not help to prevent further. For most people, a little adjustment of diet and lifestyle changes are the best solutions to overcome them. Below are some simple heartburn remedies by changing your life style.

Simple Ways For Heartburn Remedies

  1. Eat little but often
    Eat small but frequent amounts, reducing the workload for the stomach and acid secretion for digestion even less. In other words, do not overeat.

  2. Include complex carbohydrates in every meal
    These foods such as rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread and pasta, are able to bind excess stomach acid and are often easy to fill the stomach.

  3. Do not always decide to drink milk
    You may have to try drinking milk to ease stomach acid quickly before bed. But milk often causes stomach acid up during sleep. Be aware, excess stomach acid can come from eating too much at dinner. Milk can fix it quickly, but eventually encourage secretion of gastric acid. Try eating a piece of whole wheat toast or a small bowl of oatmeal instead.

  4. Eat more ginger
    This herb has been used for centuries in Asian cultures as a natural remedy to overcome stomach problems.

  5. Eat parsley
    Parsley is not just used as decoration dish. This herb also helps digestive problems.

  6. When it occurs at bedtime.
    When heartburn occurs the night, try to stop eating at least two hours before bedtime. Elevate your head with extra pillows.

  7. Lose weight if overweight
    A 2006 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that obese people with a body mass index (BMI) between 25-30, two times more likely to experience heartburn. Obese individuals with a BMI over 30, three times the risk of experiencing heartburn.

  8. Avoid fried foods
    High-fat foods in the stomach longer silent, thus causing gastric acid secretion needs more to digest.

  9. Avoid beverages that trigger heartburn
    Some beverages seem to trigger heartburn more frequently, including coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas, carbonated soda, and alcohol. The worst of all is beer, which can double stomach acid within an hour.

There is also a simple way to relief heartburn by chewing gum, a study in the Journal of Dental Research showed that chewing gum for 30 minutes after eating can reduce complaints GERD (Gastro Esophagial Reflux Disease). Reflux is another term for acid reflux. Rebecca Moazzez, DPhil from King's College London, who led the study, said that chewing gum can stimulate saliva release rate. Acid that accumulates in the stomach washed and clean more quickly. Acid rapidly lost, reduced GERD symptoms. However, the best way is prevent it, not treat it.

Related Posts: 9+ Simple Ways For Heartburn Remedies You've Probably Never Know

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